Apex Velo is the place for cyclists to get quality products, industry-leading bike fittings and expert service



Shop rides are on Sunday morning

We are running our Sunday 9 am group rides again – weather permitting.

This year we are experimenting by having two different groups:

Fast Group – Similar to last year’s ride, this will average 19-20 mph in a tight 2x2 paceline for approximately 40 miles with a mid-ride coffee stop.   Individuals can initially self-select if they think this ride is for them, but it is not a no-drop ride if you aren’t able to keep up.  The route for this ride may change on a weekly basis.

Casual Group – We are adding this group for those who want a more casual ride.  It will average 17 mph for approximately 35 miles.  The route is planned to be the same each week going through Dover center to the Medfield Starbuck’s – where we will do a 20 minute stop before returning.   We will stop at pre-determined spots to allow anyone needing to catch up. Here is the ridewithgps file for the casual ride:


Both rides start at 9 am from the shop (with us opening at 8:30) and finish back at the shop. These rides are done as a service for our loyal customers. We do ask that if you want to take part in these rides - Apex Velo should be your bike shop for annual tune-ups, etc. even if you bought a bike elsewhere.

If you are interested in taking part, please send an e-mail to me barry@apexvelo.com and indicate which group you would like to do.  I will then put you on an e-mail invite list, which also will be used for weather cancellations, etc.